Member-only story
Sorry, readers, I guess there are no political stories to discuss this week
This happens sometimes.
I woke up early this morning with the best of intentions. The daycare down the street has started a frantic effort to expand for some reason, and the construction chaos is underway in the wee hours all weekend. I had a chance to get to the keyboard ahead of schedule and really tackle the tough issues of the week.
Except I guess there are none. How embarrassing.
Surely I was mistaken, I thought. I flipped between news stations on mute to let the rest of the family sleep. Sure enough, it was such a slow news week, most networks had taken to simply reporting on tourist groups outside government buildings. Admittedly, they seemed agitated to be there (increased security measures keeping them outside, probably), but I didn’t think there was a whole article there.
I thought back over the week. Everyone was in a great mood at Saint Abe’s Fish Fry. I didn’t get to talk current events with the young couple down the street like usual because they suddenly moved out of Missouri the other day — just as they were really getting underway with their professional careers. Odd.
After an HR policy refresher, no one had much to say at work.
My wife is distracted with other issues and suggested I look fifty years into the past for news to write about. I love her willingness to help, but the whole Watergate thing was never very interesting…